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Tl dr: Shifting seasonal time is no longer worth it." There's a lot of room for improvement in how we use lights as well as lighting control gets more intelligent, there will be a lot of savings from not illuminating inactive spaces constantly. Lighting has gotten much more efficient over time we can squeeze out a lot more photons per unit of energy from a 2012 CFL or LED than a candle could in 1780, or a lightbulb could in 1950.

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Now we have machines that work easily with simple timekeeping rules, and it's more beneficial to spend a small amount on energy for lighting, and save the larger cost of engineering things to work with the complex timekeeping rules, as well as saving the irritation to humans. I think seasonal shifting time made sense in the pre-electric past, when timekeeping was more flexible and artificial light was inefficient and often dangerous. Moving timescales add a lot of complexity to the implementation of timekeeping systems and have ( "I think it should be fixed on either UTC standard or UTC+1 year around, with the current zone offsets.

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